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About Me

Hazem Elbahy

Hazem elbahy

Innovative marketing solutions for your unique needs

I possess a wealth of experience in the field of marketing, with a proven track record in areas such as marketing strategy, branding, digital marketing, and digital advertising. My skill set encompasses a broad range of competencies, including digital marketing, communications, advertising, strategic planning, creative concept development, monitoring, analysis, and marketing strategy. Furthermore, I have also studied programming and worked extensively as a professional programmer and web designer. My technological background has endowed me with a deep understanding of technology and logical thinking, which I leverage to create effective marketing strategies that deliver results.


In my capacity as a strategic marketer, I have demonstrated the ability to attain objectives by adopting a data-driven approach and implementing industry best practices to align with the long-term vision of organizations. Additionally, I possess excellent communication skills and a positive, energetic demeanor, which helps me to motivate and support my team. I firmly believe in maintaining an assertive and engaging presence to create a productive work environment that facilitates the achievement of organizational goals.


My career has been marked by numerous leadership positions, in which I have consistently delivered outstanding results that have earned recognition from top management. My ability to provide strategic insight, coupled with a keen analytical mindset, has helped me gain credibility with clients and team members alike.


One of my most notable accomplishments is the successful establishment of my own advertising and branding agency, known as the Rebranditt Agency. This venture reflects my passion for entrepreneurship, as well as my expertise in the areas of advertising and branding. I take extraordinary pride in having built a thriving business that delivers high-quality services to clients, and I look forward to continuing to grow and expand the agency’s reach.

Understanding the Marketing responsibilities:

Strategic marketing planning is crucial for any business to succeed in today’s competitive market. It involves analyzing the market, understanding the target audience, identifying the unique selling proposition, setting goals, and developing a plan of action to achieve those goals. The process includes conducting a situational analysis, defining the target market, creating a marketing mix, and setting a budget. Effective strategic planning can help a business to maximize its resources and achieve a higher return on investment. By continuously reviewing and adjusting the plan, a business can stay relevant and competitive in an ever-changing market.


Building customer satisfaction, value, and retention is essential for any business that wants to succeed in the long term. Customer satisfaction can be achieved by providing excellent customer service, delivering high-quality products or services, and addressing any issues promptly. Adding value to the customer experience can be done by offering additional services or products that complement the original purchase. Building customer retention requires a focus on creating long-term relationships with customers through loyalty programs, personalized communications, and exclusive offers. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, value, and retention, a business can improve its reputation, increase customer loyalty, and ultimately drive sales and revenue growth.


Winning markets through market-oriented strategic planning is crucial for any business to stay ahead of its competition. A market-oriented approach involves analyzing customer needs and wants, identifying market trends, and designing products or services that meet those needs. It also involves understanding the competition and finding ways to differentiate from them through unique value propositions. Market-oriented strategic planning involves developing a plan of action that aligns with the organization’s objectives and market realities, implementing the plan, and continuously reviewing and adjusting it to stay relevant. By focusing on the needs and wants of the target market, a business can position itself as a leader in its industry, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and drive sales and revenue growth.


Gathering information and measuring marketing demand is crucial for any business that wants to succeed in today’s competitive market. It involves conducting market research to understand customer needs and wants, analyzing market trends and competition, and identifying opportunities for growth. Gathering information can also be done through customer feedback, surveys, and social media monitoring. Measuring marketing demand involves tracking key performance indicators such as sales revenue, customer acquisition costs, and customer retention rates. This information can be used to adjust marketing strategies and improve the customer experience. By gathering and measuring marketing demand, a business can make data-driven decisions, stay ahead of the competition, and continuously improve its marketing efforts to drive sales and revenue growth.


Scanning the marketing environment is a critical aspect of any successful marketing strategy. It involves identifying and analyzing external factors that can impact a business, such as economic trends, technological advancements, and cultural shifts. By understanding the marketing environment, a business can anticipate changes and adjust its strategies accordingly. Scanning the marketing environment involves gathering information through market research, monitoring social media trends, and conducting SWOT analyses. By identifying opportunities and threats in the marketing environment, a business can make informed decisions about its marketing strategy, positioning itself for success. In today’s rapidly changing market, scanning the marketing environment is more important than ever to stay ahead of the competition and drive long-term growth.


Analyzing consumer markets and buyer behavior is a crucial aspect of any successful marketing strategy. Consumer behavior is influenced by a variety of factors, including personal preferences, cultural values, and economic considerations. Analyzing consumer markets involves identifying and segmenting target audiences based on shared characteristics and behaviors. This information can be used to develop targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with specific audiences. Understanding buyer behavior involves analyzing the decision-making process that consumers go through when making purchasing decisions. This includes factors such as product awareness, evaluation, and post-purchase evaluation. By analyzing consumer markets and buyer behavior, businesses can gain insights into customer needs and preferences, develop effective marketing campaigns, and drive sales growth. With the rise of digital marketing and e-commerce, analyzing consumer behavior has become more important than ever to stay competitive in today’s market.


Dealing with competition is an essential part of any successful business strategy. Competitors can come in various forms, including direct competitors, substitute products or services, and new entrants to the market. To effectively deal with competition, a business must first understand its competitive landscape, including who its competitors are, what they offer, and how they market themselves. This information can be obtained through market research, SWOT analyses, and competitive intelligence gathering.

Once a business has a clear understanding of its competition, it can develop a competitive strategy that differentiates itself from competitors. This can involve developing unique products or services, improving customer service, or offering more competitive pricing. Additionally, businesses can leverage their strengths to compete against their competitors. For example, a business with a strong brand can use its reputation to attract customers.

Another important aspect of dealing with competition is monitoring and adapting to changes in the market. This includes keeping up with industry trends, monitoring customer feedback, and staying up to date with advancements in technology. By being proactive and adapting to changes in the market, a business can stay ahead of its competitors.

Ultimately, dealing with competition requires a combination of market analysis, strategic planning, and adaptation to changes in the market. With the right approach, a business can successfully navigate its competitive landscape and achieve long-term success.


Developing and modifying marketing strategies is a critical component of any successful business. Marketing strategies define how a company will reach its target market, communicate its value proposition, and ultimately drive sales. Effective marketing strategies are flexible and adaptable, as they need to evolve with changes in the market, consumer behavior, and competition.

The first step in developing a marketing strategy is to conduct market research. This involves analyzing market trends, consumer behavior, and competitive landscape. With this information, a company can identify its target market, their needs and preferences, and develop a unique value proposition that sets it apart from competitors.

Once a marketing strategy is in place, it is essential to regularly monitor its effectiveness and adapt it as needed. This can involve modifying messaging, adjusting marketing channels, or repositioning the product in response to changes in the market. The goal is to continually improve the effectiveness of the strategy to achieve optimal results.

The most effective marketing strategies are integrated across all channels, including online, print, and in-person. This ensures that the message is consistent across all touchpoints and that customers receive a cohesive experience. Additionally, leveraging data analytics and customer feedback can help fine-tune the strategy and identify areas for improvement.

In summary, developing and modifying marketing strategies is an ongoing process that requires a deep understanding of the market, target audience, and competitive landscape. By being flexible and adaptable, a company can create a marketing strategy that resonates with its customers and drives long-term success.

Positioning is a critical element in a company’s marketing strategy. It is the process of creating an identity in the minds of consumers for a particular product, service, or brand. The objective of positioning is to differentiate a product or service from its competitors in the minds of customers.

To effectively position a product or service, a company must identify and analyze its target audience, the competition, and its own strengths and weaknesses. The company must understand the needs and wants of its target audience and create a positioning strategy that will appeal to them.

There are several ways to position a product or service, including by price, quality, features, benefits, or by comparing it to competitors. A company may also position its product or service based on its image or reputation, such as being eco-friendly or socially responsible.

Once a company has developed a positioning strategy, it must communicate that positioning to the target audience through various marketing channels, including advertising, promotions, and public relations. Consistency is key to effective positioning, and a company must ensure that all its marketing efforts are aligned with its positioning strategy.

Positioning is an ongoing process, and a company must continually evaluate and adjust its positioning strategy based on changes in the market, the competition, and the needs and wants of its target audience. A well-executed positioning strategy can lead to increased sales, customer loyalty, and a strong brand image.

Creating a product that resonates with your target audience can be challenging, but it’s crucial for business success. A new product should be innovative and solve a problem for the customer. Start by researching the market and gathering feedback from potential customers. Develop a prototype and test it to ensure it meets the needs of your audience. Once the product is launched, continue to gather feedback and make improvements to stay competitive. With the right strategy and execution, developing new products can be a game-changer for your business.


Marketing decisions are critical for the success of any business. Start by defining your target market and understanding their needs. Conduct market research and analyze competitors to identify opportunities. Develop a marketing mix that includes product, price, promotion, and place. Implement and evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing strategy to make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement. Remember to stay adaptable and make changes as needed to stay competitive. Making informed marketing decisions can lead to increased profitability and growth for your business.


Effective management of product lines and brands is crucial for businesses to remain competitive. Conduct market research to identify customer needs and preferences. Develop a product line that meets those needs while maintaining brand consistency. Consider factors such as pricing, packaging, and promotion when managing product lines. Use brand management strategies to create a positive brand image and ensure consistency across all products. Continuously evaluate and adjust product lines and brands to keep up with changing market trends and customer preferences. Effective management of product lines and brands can lead to increased customer loyalty and profitability for your business.


Service design is the process of creating and improving services to meet customer needs and improve user experience. Consider factors such as customer expectations, service quality, and service delivery when designing services. Develop a service blueprint to identify the service delivery process and how it can be improved. Use customer feedback to continually refine and improve services. Service management involves ensuring service quality and efficiency while reducing costs. Use strategies such as service guarantees and service recovery to maintain customer satisfaction. Effective service design and management can lead to increased customer loyalty and profitability for your business.


Marketing programs are a set of activities designed to promote a product or service to a target audience. The program should align with the company’s goals and target customer needs. Develop a marketing mix strategy that includes product, price, place, and promotion. Implement the marketing program by setting goals, creating a budget, and selecting appropriate channels for promotion. Monitor the program’s effectiveness through analytics and adjust accordingly. Continually evaluate and modify the marketing program to ensure it stays relevant to the target audience and meets the company’s goals. Effective marketing programs can lead to increased brand awareness and sales.


Marketing channels refer to the different ways companies distribute and promote their products or services to customers. Managing these channels involves selecting the most effective channels based on target audience, analyzing competitors’ channels, and assessing the cost-effectiveness of each channel. Develop a channel strategy that includes the selection and management of intermediaries such as wholesalers, retailers, and agents. Implement the channel strategy by setting channel objectives and allocating resources to each channel. Monitor channel performance through sales data and customer feedback. Continually evaluate and modify the channel strategy to optimize performance and maintain customer satisfaction. Effective channel management can lead to increased sales, customer loyalty, and competitive advantage.


Marketing communication mix comprises various elements that companies use to communicate with their target audience. The elements of the communication mix include advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, and direct marketing. Among these elements, advertising, sales promotion, and public relations (PR) are the most commonly used forms of marketing communication. These elements play a significant role in promoting products and services, increasing brand awareness, and building customer relationships.

Advertising is a paid form of non-personal communication through various media such as television, radio, print, and online. It is used to create brand awareness, promote products or services, and build brand image. Sales promotion, on the other hand, is a short-term incentive that companies use to stimulate sales. Examples of sales promotion activities include discounts, coupons, rebates, and loyalty programs.

Public relations (PR) is a strategic communication process that builds relationships between companies and their stakeholders. PR activities include press releases, events, sponsorships, and media relations. PR helps companies to build a positive image, manage their reputation, and communicate with their target audience.

Managing the communication mix involves determining the most effective way to use these elements to achieve marketing objectives. Companies must consider various factors such as target audience, product characteristics, and budget when designing their communication mix. By managing the communication mix effectively, companies can create a strong brand image, increase customer loyalty, and ultimately drive sales.

Managing the sales force involves overseeing the personnel responsible for selling the products or services of a company. This includes recruiting, training, and supervising the sales team to ensure they are meeting their targets and achieving their objectives. It also involves developing sales strategies and implementing programs to improve the effectiveness of the sales team. Regular evaluation of the sales process and metrics helps to identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes. Effective sales management can lead to increased revenue and profitability for the company.

Alexandria University

My services

I can help you build a strong online presence through branding strategy, web design, and social media advertising. We’ll work with you to create a unique brand identity, design a user-friendly website, and develop a social media strategy that reaches your target audience. Let’s work together to achieve your business goals and take your brand to the next level.




Marketing services promote products/services through advertising, branding, PR, social media, SEO, PPC, and more.



Build website and mobile app services design, develop, and launch websites and mobile apps for businesses and individuals.


Social media services

Social media services manage and create content, grow audiences, and run ads across various social media platforms for businesses.


UI / UX Design

UI/UX design is the process of creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces for websites, apps, and other digital products.


Graphic design

Graphic design is the art of creating visual content to communicate messages through typography, imagery, and layout.


web design

IT Support provides technical assistance to individuals and organizations for hardware, software, and networking issues.

Maximize your marketing potential with ME

Maximize your marketing potential with our agency’s expertise. We develop strategies and execute campaigns to help you succeed, whether you’re a startup or a large corporation. Unlock your marketing potential today.


People Talk About Me

Our clients love our marketing agency, and we have the testimonials to prove it. Testimonials are an essential aspect of building trust and credibility with potential clients. They showcase our expertise and success in providing effective marketing services. By reading our satisfied client’s testimonials, you can get a sense of the benefits of our services and how we can help your business succeed. Check out our testimonials page to see what our clients are saying about us!


I was hesitant to invest in a marketing agency, but I’m so glad I did. The team at this agency helped me develop a targeted advertising campaign that generated leads and increased my sales. They’re knowledgeable, responsive, and always available to answer my questions. I highly recommend their services to any business looking to grow!” – David, Small Business Owner

Randy Reid

Small Business Owner

As a startup, we needed a marketing agency that could help us build our brand from scratch. The team at this marketing agency worked with us to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that included web design, social media advertising, and email marketing. They were attentive, creative, and always delivered on time. We’ve seen tremendous growth since working with them, and we can’t recommend them enough!

Eugene Hart

Startup Founder

I was struggling to generate leads and grow my business until I started working with this marketing agency. They helped me develop a targeted advertising campaign that reached my ideal clients and helped me increase my sales. They were professional, knowledgeable, and always available to answer my questions. I’m so glad I found them, and I highly recommend their services!” – , 


Michael Dening

Business Owner